Modern Scribble Heart


A Life Reimagined

Divorce & Transformational Coaching

by Brooke Gaston

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“When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or let it strengthen you.”

- Dr. Seuss


Embrace your

to design a future that holds promise and joy.

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Modern Scribble Heart

As a CDC Certified Divorce Coach®, I specialize in helping moms who are anxious and overwhelmed by the divorce process gain knowledge, clarity, skills and strategies that will empower them as they navigate this difficult time. My clients feel greater confidence making decisions and taking actions that can lead to a satisfying outcome and improved co-parenting dynamics, saving valuable time and money in the process.

Hi, I'm Brooke!

I'm a CDC Certified Divorce Coach, Master Certified Professional Coach, and divorced mom of three. I understand firsthand the fear and overwhelm that accompany the uncertainty of divorce. Whether you feel stuck in an unhappy marriage, were blindsided by a sudden divorce request, or painfully discovered an affair, you're likely anxious about your next steps. Your desire for reassurance, that you and your children will emerge safe, secure, and content on the other side, is completely understandable. Having walked a similar path, I can offer the understanding, guidance, and support you need to navigate this challenging period with strength and resilience.

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Why is certification important in divorce coaching?

While many self-proclaimed divorce experts may offer coaching services, choosing a certified coach who has received comprehensive divorce and alternative dispute resolution training from a reputable, International Coaching Federation accredited institution provides important benefits.

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Certified coaches model best practices, ethics and professional boundaries as regulated by organizations such as the ICF and in my case, also the CDC Board of Standards.

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Certified coaches demonstrate commitment to personal excellence, integrity, presence, and ongoing growth.

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CDC Certified Divorce Coaches are required to participate in on-going, continued educational training and professional development in the areas of divorce and alternative dispute resolution in order to maintain certification and be up-to-date on current practices.

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Certified coaches strive to deliver more than clients expect and celebrate their growth and successes.

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Certified coaches maintain a strict confidentiality policy and prioritize building trust with clients.


I help my clients...

Before Divorce

Go or Stay
  • Determine if they want to heal their marriage or start the divorce process
  • Learn tools/strategies to improve their relationship
  • Create a roadmap and action plan if divorce is forthcoming
  • Determine the level of support they need/want from divorce professionals
  • Prepare for interviews with attorneys and other experts so they have confidence in their team

During Divorce

Judge Mallet Between The Split Paper Cutout Family And Car
  • Outline realistic divorce goals that align with their reimagined future
  • Avoid common divorce pitfalls and self-sabotaging behaviors
  • Get organized for meetings with lawyers, mediators, and other divorce professionals
  • Get mentally prepared for mediation and court proceedings & sharpen negotiating skills
  • Develop a parenting plan they feel good about
  • Regulate their emotions in high conflict situations to improve decision-making skills

After Divorce

Challenges of motherhood!
  • Navigate life as a single parent
  • Move out of the past and adopt a future-focused mindset while enjoying the present
  • Better manage stressful interactions with Ex
  • Improve co-parenting dynamics
  • Support children as they adjust to new reality
  • Build a support network
  • Explore career change opportunities and aspirations
  • Create action steps that support their goals
Modern Scribble Heart

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude."

- Maya Angelou

Young Brunette Woman Creating Her Feng Shui Wish Map Using Sciss

Coaching Packages

Research suggests that it takes an average of 66 days to establish a new habit and undergo genuine transformation. At the heart of this transformative journey, I emphasize the importance of commitment from my clients. To witness substantial growth and reap the valuable benefits of coaching, dedicating oneself to the process is key.

This commitment serves as the foundation of my standard coaching packages. By investing your time, energy, and trust, you embark on a transformative partnership. Through dedicated coaching sessions, personalized strategies, and unwavering support, I guide you towards lasting change and empowerment. Together, we navigate the complexities of divorce, fostering resilience, enhancing emotional well-being, and paving the way for a brighter, post-divorce future.

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Five Session Package

Introductory service to tackle the basics and boost your confidence.

Five (5) weekly or bi-weekly 60 minute sessions.


Ten Session Package

A more comprehensive experience to foster significant progress.

Ten (10) weekly or bi-weekly 60 minute sessions.


Last Minute Package

A condensed, in-depth offering typically focusing on the business aspects of divorce.

Ideal for those who may have deadlines or don’t have the luxury of time for a standard package.

Six (6) hours spread over 2-3 consecutive days.


Woman climbing on rock
Modern Scribble Heart

“Pause and remember - You will make it to the other side of this hardship. One day you will look back with wiser eyes, understanding and gratitude. Hang in there!”

- Jennifer Young

Virtual Divorce Support Group

Are you looking for a safe, supportive community of moms enduring all stages of divorce where you can learn from others, process emotions, ask questions, and feel the comfort of knowing you're not alone in this journey? Engaging in a live, interactive support group with individuals who share your struggles can make a tremendous impact on how you navigate through this phase of your life.

Join me and other moms from around the world, from the divorce curious to divorce veterans, as we come together to support each other through the many challenges created by marriage insecurity and divorce.

Each session we’ll examine one common divorce-related misconception, mistake, or scenario in addition to having an open discussion on whatever topics/issues are currently causing distress to our members. I'll blend in some coaching to elevate the value even further.

Meetings are held on Zoom twice per month and space is limited.

Your first meeting is FREE!

Support Group membership is $20 USD per month thereafter.

Come to as many or as few meetings per month as you choose. Cancel anytime.

Special Benefit

Active coaching clients receive free access to the support group.

Apply now to receive more information.

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About Me

As a seasoned Line Producer with over 20 years in the entertainment industry, I have spent my career helping transform my clients’ ideas into unique and successful commercial campaigns on time and under budget. I developed a reputation for being a strategic and effective problem solver with a cool and calm demeanor, especially when faced with stressful and seemingly impossible situations. Negotiating and mediating have been cornerstones of my role that I have always enjoyed.

When my marriage of 10 years ended in 2018, these valuable attributes I had worked hard to master seemed to disappear overnight and I began feeling like an imposter. I felt broken, scared, and overwhelmed by the uncertainty surrounding my future and the future of my three young children. Once the shock and devastation finally began to diminish I knew I had to pick up the pieces, work on getting my confidence back, and reimagine my future. It wasn’t always easy.

Modern Scribble Heart
Young Woman with Books

A devoted lifelong learner, I decided to view my divorce as an opportunity for growth and began a journey of self-exploration and self-improvement, aiming to evolve into a more enlightened woman, nurturing mother, empowering leader and compassionate partner. I gained valuable knowledge from many thought leaders and spiritual teachers and soon came to realize that we are hardwired for resilience.

We all possess indestructible, innate strengths cultivated throughout our lifetime that compel us to rise after every setback.

This understanding continues to propel me closer to the person I aspire to be, and it can do the same for you.

Modern Scribble Heart

My turning point

When I started separating my emotions from the business of divorce, dedicating my efforts to learning valuable tools and strategies, and adopting a more realistic perspective on potential outcomes, I was better able to negotiate my divorce settlement and parenting plan in an amicable way, resulting in a desirable resolution that didn’t break the bank.

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Modern Scribble Heart

Why I became a Certified Divorce Coach

In March, 2022, I started a local divorce support group in my community so other moms going through the different stages of divorce could have a safe place to share their experiences, get support from other moms who "got it," and feel a sense of belonging again. It was something I wish existed when I was going through the most difficult parts of my divorce and it was a way to give back and create more meaning in my life.

Upon hearing the stories of fellow moms over the course of the first several months, I was deeply moved and felt a strong sense of purpose to offer more substancial assistance to this vulnerable community of women and their children.

Too many families are enduring significant emotional and financial strain due to bitter divorces and toxic co-parenting situations. Regular, hardworking parents are blowing through their savings without realizing they may be jeopardizing their long-term goals in the process.

I am deeply committed to dispelling the prevailing misconceptions about divorce that contribute to this suffering. These outdated beliefs only serve to escalate conflict, needlessly amplifying the pain and cost of divorce. Both parents and their children deserve the opportunity to experience peace, security, and happiness as they move forward in this new chapter of their lives.

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What Clients Have To Say

“I can confidently say that Brooke has helped me navigate my divorce and feel more confident in my decision making and negotiation strategies. She is kind, empathetic, trustworthy and makes a genuine effort to connect with my personal experience. She has a calm presence that is essential to helping, especially those with big or negative feelings, work through their divorce in a positive manner.”

- Sarah

“For the first time ever, I got support for my relationship with my son, and I’m so glad I did. Brooke helped me figure out how I could support my son with learning the valuable life lessons I want him to in a way that was positive for both of us. I’m so grateful for how she gently led me to the answers. She’s amazing!!”

- Aja

Modern Scribble Heart


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Why should I hire a divorce coach when I already have or are planning to use an attorney?

Securing the expertise of a divorce attorney is pivotal for navigating the legal intricacies of divorce. They excel at providing legal guidance, explaining clients' rights and obligations within family law, and advocating for their interests in legal settings. However, due to their legal focus, they may not have the bandwidth or specialized knowledge to address the myriad of factors that shape divorce outcomes.

Divorce attorneys typically don’t provide clients with conflict resolution techniques, coping strategies and emotional regulation skills, which can have significant benefits during negotiations and improve outcomes. Furthermore, they might not have the inclination, time, or patience to provide clients with a holistic understanding of the divorce process, explore their aspirations to guide decision-making, or help them evaluate the practical consequences their decisions will have post-divorce.

In the context of parenting concerns, attorneys may lack understanding or underestimate the significance of crafting a comprehensive parenting plan. This oversight becomes particularly evident when clients are too overwhelmed or ill-equipped to understand and articulate their immediate and future needs, leading to regrets down the road.

From a financial perspective, divorce attorneys typically have the highest hourly rate of all the professionals in your support network. Over-utilizing their services when a more cost-effective divorce expert exists is a decision that may strain your resources and hinder your ability to achieve specific objectives. Moreover, attorneys may have a vested financial interest in prolonging contentious divorces.

By partnering with a divorce coach, you gain an unbiased thought partner to secure a well-rounded support system, along with access to a wealth of emotional insight, conflict resolution skills, and personalized planning, enriching your legal strategy and empowering you to create a positive and thriving future after divorce.

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How can a divorce coach save me money on my divorce?

By providing emotional support, improving communication, and promoting efficient decision-making, a divorce coach can significantly contribute to saving a client both time and money during the divorce process. Here are several ways how:

  1. Clarifying Priorities: A divorce coach helps clients identify their priorities and focus on what truly matters to them. By avoiding unnecessary legal battles over less significant issues, clients can save on legal fees.
  2. Managing Emotional Stress: Divorce coaches provide emotional support and coping strategies, helping clients manage stress and make clearer decisions. Emotional stability can prevent impulsive, costly decisions made out of frustration or anger.
  3. Document Preparation: While divorce coaches aren't lawyers, they can assist in organizing necessary documents and information. This organization can streamline the legal process, reducing billable hours with attorneys.
  4. Goal Setting: Divorce coaches help clients set realistic goals for their divorce settlement. Understanding what is achievable and focusing on attainable outcomes can prevent protracted legal disputes, saving both time and money.
  5. Education and Empowerment: By educating clients about the legal process, divorce coaches empower them to make informed decisions. Knowledgeable clients are better equipped to work efficiently with their legal team, preventing unnecessary consultations and research time.
  6. Preventing Court Battles: Through coaching, clients are encouraged to explore and practice alternative dispute resolution methods, such as negotiation and mediation, rather than resorting to costly and time-consuming court battles.
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Does a divorce coach offer legal or financial advice?

No. Divorce coaches are trained not to give ANY advice or engage in the unauthorized practice of law, unless they are a licensed attorney, in which case they are ethically obligated to keep that service separate from the coaching space. Divorce coaches may help clients get organized and prepared for meetings with attorneys and financial advisors (such as CDFAs) and educate clients with general knowledge in the divorce realm. Specific questions that come up about their case are often written down to be discussed later with the appropriate expert.

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What is the difference between therapy and coaching?

Therapy often explores past experiences, emotions, and unresolved issues, aiming to understand their impact on the present. Coaching is forward-focused, dedicated to setting and attaining goals, honing new skills, and enhancing areas of life that may currently be sources of stress, anxiety, or hardship.

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Do you only work with mothers going through divorce?

While my expertise lies in supporting mothers, I also assist fathers and individuals without children, as well as clients facing various life transitions. Whether it's moving forward after a loss, preparing for a significant life event, contemplating a career change, or enhancing relationships with friends, family, or romantic partners, I offer coaching services to a diverse global clientele across a range of topics.

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Schedule a Free Discovery Call

Ready to take control of your future?

Let’s spend 30 minutes together to see if I can help you on your journey.

We’ll cover:

  • What your hot button issues are
  • Goals and desired outcomes you’ve identified
  • Roadblocks you’ve encountered or foresee
  • My style of coaching and services
  • Any questions you may have
  • Next steps

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© 2023 A Life Reimagined